A Spare the Air Day Has Been Declared for Friday and Saturday



Bay Area air quality officials are declaring today and tomorrow as the first two “Spare the Air” Days of the summer season. Forecasters say inland valley temperatures will climb into the triple digits on Saturday. Officials say everyone can help out by driving less and cutting back on any activities that can cause pollution. This can include the use of oil-based paints, gas-powered lawn mowers or household aerosol products.

What is a “Spare the Air” Day?

The Bay Area Air Quality Management District issues Spare the Air Alerts when ozone pollution is forecast to reach unhealthy levels in the Bay Area.

The 2018 Spare the Air smog season runs through the end of October.

To find out if a Spare the Air Alert is in effect, residents and business owners can do the following:

— Sign up for NEW text alerts! It’s easy – to sign up, text the word “START” to the number 817-57

— Sign up to receive email AirAlerts

— Download the Spare the Air App for iPhone (Android presently unavailable)

— Download the Spare the Air widget to your website

— Connect with Spare the Air on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram

— Spare the Air Alerts will also be posted on the Spare the Air website.