Oakland Wharehouse Fire Death Toll Rises to 33


Firefighters clear an entry to a smoldering building after a fire tore through a warehouse party early Saturday, Dec. 3, 2016 in Oakland. Oakland fire chief Teresa Deloche-Reed said many people were unaccounted for as of Saturday morning and authorities were working to verify who was in the cluttered warehouse when the fire broke out around 11:30 p.m. Friday. (AP Photo/Josh Edelson)

A criminal investigation is underway: fire officials are looking for signs of arson or criminal negligence. A daunting task for firefighters, as they go slowly and methodically through that building. So far, that blaze has claimed 33 lives and only 7 victims have been identified. Authorities say they still have about 60-percent of the building to go through.
It IS the worst fire in Oakland’s history, with the death toll rising above the 25 killed in the Oakland Hills fire in 1991.
ABC’s Alex Stone joins us live from Oakland:
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