Meet Coco and Michelle, the dynamic duo behind the show “Rock’n Vino.” Coco and Michelle have a passion for both wine and music and have combined their interests for their bi-weekly “Ask the Expert” show.
On each episode of “Rock’n Vino” Coco and Michelle invite winemakers and chefs to chat about their craft and share their knowledge and experiences with the audience. From discussing the winemaking process to exploring the connection between food and wine, Coco and Michelle give you a taste of Sonoma County’s culture.
In addition to discussing all things wine and food, Coco and Michelle also delve into the world of music. They speak with musicians and explore the connection between music and the culinary arts.
Whether you’re a wine enthusiast, a music lover, or just looking for a fun and educational program, “Rock’n Vino” is the perfect show for you.
Rock’n Vino is sponsored by American AGCredit. Find out how American AgCredit can help you HERE.